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Guerilla Marketing


A hierarchical list of web pages that belong to a site. HTML versions are typically part of a site’s navigation.

See Also:

SEO, Page Rank, Deep Linking, Linkage

Guerilla marketing

For those who have a small business but want to earn good profits can make use of guerilla marketing. The given below article talks about the advantages of Guerilla Marketing.

Guerilla Marketing

Well! As the name suggests, this marketing technique is quite different from other types of marketing. Guerilla Marketing is an unconventional form of marketing that intends to get maximum results from minimum resources. For those who have small business and have just started with it, but want to gain maximum profits, have come to the right place. Thinkbizsolutions is the best portal that updates you with the information about guerilla marketing. Jay Conrad Levinson coined the term guerilla marketing. One can say that this kind of marketing can be as different from traditional marketing, as guerilla warfare is from traditional warfare.

In short one can say that guerilla marketing works on the technique of minimum investments but maximum profits. Guerilla Marketing focuses on the concept of cheaper alternative for profitable business. This form of marketing is one of the best ways of advertising when there is no budget available. One should focus on earning maximum profits while spending the minimum on marketing costs. When it comes to the advantages and disadvantages of Guerilla Marketing, one can say that this form of marketing has several advantages. Some of them are:

  • Cheap: Very affordable form of marketing, without investing much a person can gain good profits.
  • Networking: Better networking between the customers and producers is possible through guerilla marketing.
  • Good for small business: All those who have a small business can make the most efficient use of this marketing form. Traditional and contemporary advertising forms are expensive as compared to this form of marketing.
  • Big success: If one uses good ideas for campaign planning after doing a thorough research then surely one can gain profits in business.

Apart from the above there are several other advantages of guerilla marketing. Those who have small business but want to earn big profits must contact thinkbizsolutions to know more about guerilla marketing.






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